
Showing posts with the label poems

Child of Africa

My brother and I once lived together as one But life was bad for me back then You see, he’s white while I’m not But, these are all rules set but mortal men And I’ve often wondered why they said such thing, Things that really hurt me deep inside, While they pretended they were kings. Now I’ve come to realize that they lied Because we are all equal And even though our skins don’t match Everybody should be entitled to follow his own will But if I said this, the jail door behind me they’d latch! Now, I know these words may not mean a lot But the truth is, they all I’ve still got.

Brotherhood among us

Can’t we all come and meet each other And no matter what colour we may be Be able to show we love one another And then together we’ll stand, you and me The leaders of Tomorrow, Planning for what is to come Otherwise there will be lots of needless sorrow Over killing which are quite dumb. So come closer now and grab my hand And we’ll accept each other as brothers And then together we’ll be able to stand To show our Father and Mothers We want to plan for a common future No matter what our race, colour or culture.


“Look at me my white brothers Come closer to me And show you care about the others By letting us all live free” This request may sound funny But you all are enjoying your lives While we struggle for money So we can feed our children and wives Now I know what the laws are But they are really quite unfair And so if you’ll lift the colour Bar It will prove you really care. So now that you’ve heard my cry Go home and ask yourselves; Why?

Something Read – Something Said!

I always wanted to be a writer And this is something I’ll be I’m sure But the problem is what to write about So people will sit up and take head. That is why I wish my skin was whiter So people will stop thinking they are more pure Because they are wrong have no doubt As we were all created equal And that’s why I wrote this poem: So everyone the truth can read!

A Fleeting moment of Happiness

Tonight I got peace in my soul, A song in my heart And a smile on my lips All because I know once more what it is to love. I’ve always said this feeling is not for me I believe that loving was not possible Because I never found someone But now I have, And it’s you I know I love!

Unexpected Love

What hit me? This night of the 22nd I won’t forget ‘Cause something really special happened As our hearts (and bodies) eventually met. I know I promised to forget And tomorrow will be just another normal day But inside me, my heart will be going wild And I’ve never ever had it feel this way. Why weren’t we willing to accept it? Others saw it before we did While we always joked about it But only ourselves it seems we were trying to kid Now, whatever happens between us I hope we give it a chance to work Otherwise we’ll both end up sad While in our hearts this love will lurk. Tonight I’m not going to be able to sleep And if I do, I’ll dream of you Because tonight you and I said those three magic words ‘I Love You’

Valentine ‘89

Last night I promised you a poem So now read this and think of me And you might not have believed my words But can now these feelings on paper see It all started at registration When you came in all dressed in pink I nearly felt of my chain right then Cause at the sight of my heart started to sink. (Just don’t ask why, O.K?) Yesterday was lots of fun I enjoy walking with you through town; Even though I talked too much And continuously acted like a clown. But this is because you intrigue me As its not often I meet a girl I admire A girl who knows what she wants And from responsibility never tire. This poem is starting to sound real weird And that’s like my feeling towards you too And my heart is going wild Because I know I like you!


For what we are to receive, dear Lord Make us truly doubly Thankful. Friends in times of need Who prove they are friends in deed, In times of heart-ache Our days to make, When tears may fall Or laughter won’t come at all They’ll stand you by Never letting you lay down and die That’s what being friends is all about, This is stated without any doubt ‘Cause True Friends are Friends Forever!

No More

What am I living for I’ve no reason to live no more! I use to manage Now no more I live on the edge Now no more I thought you really loved me Now No More!


Life used to be lonely and dreary Then you came into it; It was fun. Then it Ended. Now it’s lonely and dreamy again ‘Cause I’m without you living on my dreams losing touch of reality

The Blues

What Now? Nothing Where too? Nowhere. With whom? No – one Why? Don’t know. Will I accept this? Why not!

Wander Lust

What makes me so restless Causes me to search Looking, never finding Continuing on this lonely path Without ever getting rest, Peace of mind? I always blame others for this Yet I know it seems from inside Deep in my soul, This search for something Never minding the pain, The pain I cause others. I want answers, Answers to questions not yet asked; I want truth, So I know how to lie; I want knowledge Knowledge to impress others with; I want fame, Yet standing in a cocoon of privacy; I want things Yet I never give to anyone, Yes all this I want, and more Yet none are what I seek; So I will always have to keep searching.


The words of songs run through my head Scenes, flashes from the past Remembering me of what I’ve lost What I’ll never regain; Lost forever. I’m always this way when I’m lonely Thinking back – about the two of us What we used to dream of What we will never achieve; Not together. True love was supposed to be forever Yet it seems to be a force As it only remains in me You have already forgotten; Our paradise. Now I weep when I’m alone at night Thinking on the past we used to share Wishing I could have it back Treasuring thoughts from the past, Loving memories. Maybe my secret dream will one-day be true And you and I will be one Sharing, regretting time lost Going forth in life; As one.

Captives of Freedom

High above the earth he soars Alighting here, then there Never still He is free, Can come and go when he wishes He is King of the sky, He is an eagle. I too, feel akin to him Never stopping, never still Moving forth Always free Coming and going as I wish Living out a lie Pretending to live Yet both of us are wrong We are captives of freedom We are caught by it Longing for it, Thirsting, Never getting enough. Yes mighty bird, You and I are kin Captives of freedom Captives of life Always free Yet never!

Freedom Flight

An eagle soars the sky, Floating high above the earth, He looks down on tiny specks of life He knows not what they think, Cares not! Cause he is free. Yet in life all this is a lie For even from our birth We are living lives filled with strife Caring only for ourselves Never others All wishing to be free. But all of you I’ll defy As I too am free Soaring Never captive Yet, one – day I’ll be no more – And who’ll remember?


Your beauty never ceases to amaze me And I know now I never deserved your love But I’m thankful for what we had And everyday I thank the one above For loving memories we share! Chorus Oh these wonderful memories we share Of so many fun times we had Times when we were totally bare Even though we weren’t really “Bad” Oh memories can’t you stop eating at me And just please, please leave me be! Do you member the times… We promised each other we’d get wed? That we fell asleep in each other arms? And meant every word we said When we said “I love you!”? How many times didn’t I promise you the world? Promise to forget your (and my) past? Promise to love you forever and ever? At least I’ve kept the last And I promise I always will! Repeat chorus Are these memories a blessing or a curse? I don’t know! But they are things I’ll Always in my heart nurse!

Missing you!

You mean a lot to me And I know its now too late to see But I still wish these words I did utter Instead of always “nothing” mutter As to me you are lost Even though I still want you back! (No matter what the cost: As in Love I’ll make up for the money I lack.)

Being with you

I remember the first time we met And now I’m really happy we did Even though I acted like a real wet; Which you probably didn’t even notice ‘Cause you were laughing too much. Chorus Your laugh is something I enjoy hearing As it makes me think you’re happy – And that’s makes my heart want to sing As it is me making you laugh. Now I’m sleeping out a lot And my Dad has spoken to me about it But I don’t mind as it’s you I got And that’s the most important thing As I care about you!

Incomprehensible Poem - By: A Broken Heart

Its been a long time sine I wrote something decent Something out of my heart that is really meant And this is because my heart was too sore But now I’ve found out that to life there is more More than just loving you You did the same as the others And I hate all girls for being mothers! Now I feel heart healing As Cupido to me a new hand is dealing In the form of another Heart –breaker! But all of those who broke my heart You were the only one about who I didn’t get smart So revel in the fact that you’ve won And I’ll worry about what you done As you girls are all the same!

You’re the one for me! (Dedicated to Yolanda Esterhuisen)

Sitting here looking at you I don’t know what to say ‘Cause all I have on my mind Is seeing you each and every day. I know I have to study And you also have many years ahead But I’m a patient kind of guy So I’ll just wait until we can get wed. There’s a bunch of stories about me Stories about me being a Dad But I know you won’t believe them Because you know I ain’t that bad! Your mom mounted at me the other day And the worst part was: I didn’t know what to say But that has all been left behind ‘Cause now I have made up my mind “That you are the girl for me!”