
Showing posts with the label milton louw

Two years of Status Updates

Sat May 21, 2011, 9:25 am: People with many interests live, not only longest, but happiest. Fri May 20, 2011, 10:11 am: POSSLQ - Persons of the Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters - Thu May 19, 2011, 3:56 am: Child No. 3 is 18 today. My wish for all my friends who are Fathers: We can do more.... Wed May 18, 2011, 10:17 am: No good deed shall go unpunished. Tue May 17, 2011, 7:11 am: You are forgiven for your happiness and your successes only if you generously consent to share them. Mon May 16, 2011, 6:37 am: Food for thought: "Independence did not just bring freedom for the oppressed African peoples. It braught freedom for the Boer people as well. The Boer people where freed firstly from an Afrikaner regime with it's roots in British Colonialism (See the Anglo-Boer War)... Sun May 15, 2011, 7:44 am: Two blonde guys were standing at the base of a flagpole, looking up. A woman walked by and asked them what they were doing. "We're supposed to measure the hei...

African People's Organisation / first coloured pressure group in Namibia

The African People's Organisation (APO), originally the African Political Organisation, was formed in Cape Town in 1902 and was initially the most prominent "coloured" pressure group in South Africa. Its interest in SWA/Namibia goes back to at least 1918 when it opposed the transfer of the former German colony to the South Africa Authority. The first SWA branch of the APO was established in Windhoek in February 1923. In informing the colonial authorities of the establishment of the branch, the leaders stated that the aims of the organisation were to defend "the Social Political and Civil Rights of the Cape Coloured Community throughout the SW Protectorate. Another political organisation which devoted itself to representing the Coloured community in SWA, the African National Bond, was also launched in Windhoek in 1925. The APO, although it recruited its members from the relatively small group of educated and economically comfortably off Coloureds, was to become the ...

Who is best on (Namibian) Twitter?

The whole world is becoming focussed on social media and the number of users on Facebook, Twitter, etc. However, very little reliable information or statistics seems to be available about Namibian user and their preferences. So, while I had very little to do this weekend while sitting in a cold Düsseldorf, I decided to look at what figures I could put together. This first place to start was Twitter. Twitter is the site where I get most of my introductions to a topic after which I may decide to look into it further and click on the link. Because of the limit of only 140 characters, I don’t have to worry much about missing a comment by a friend because some other “friends” has loaded dozens of pictures or played lots of games. News providers I started my Twitter search by looking at the Namibian media, that is, the companies or websites who provide information on Namibia. This is what I found in order of the most followers (as at 22.02.11): #namibia_news - 1,980 followers. Mos...

Is there such a thing as coloured?

I quote from a paper by R van der Ross at the Symposium on Slavery 2008 – “The question of identity is one which elicits wide, wordy and largely useless response. In this country there is continuous debate about the matter, and mostly about and from the Coloured people. Who are we? Why? Where from? Where to? Some even ask: Are we? Are there Coloured people? The ridiculousness of these questions is compounded by the attempts at answers: “We are not; we are not Coloured; we are simply human; we are, but we refuse to be called Coloured,” and so into various degrees of assininity. If the matter of mixed descent is raised, it will most likely be met with the response that all the peoples of the earth are mixed. Of course there is some truth in this, but it evades the other truth namely that which the philosophers call “immediate perception.” We are Coloured because people look at us and regard us as Coloured. Finish en klaar.”