
Showing posts with the label technology

List of Namibian bloggers / 2011

A list of Namibian bloggers which I hope to expand with your help. Change your life Creating Wealth Daves Boring Blog Dune Sieben (German) End forced Sterilisation Frantic Naturalist Girl Uncovered I present Roxanne Making a better Namibia Namibian DJ|s Namibia Facts Namibia Welcome One Stoned Crow The Joys Of My Splintered Life In SMALLTOWN Vakwetu Style Vieranas Safaris the new Der/die/das Namibia/er auf Deutsch Sinisterstuf Thanks

Google Science Fair: Calling All Jr. Scientists

Google is looking for bright youngsters (aged 13 - 18) from around the world to submit interesting and creative Science projects that are relevant to the world today. It would be fantastic to see a Namibian student emerging as one of the 15 finalists who each get a $25 000 scholarship, An internship (at CERN, Google or Scientific American) personalized Lego kits Digital Access to Scientific American for their school If I was still in high-school, I'd be scheming to win this thing. For more information, check out the Google Science Fair website.