Are our Educational Institutions simply ripping us off?
Charlotte writes to Consumer Protection group: Are our Educational Institutions simply ripping us off?? Is the Price of Education a Realistic reflection of what we get for money? Are universities (and private institutes) in Namibia in it for the education or the money? Private Institutions of Learning Our constitution states: (4) All persons shall have the right, at their own expense, to establish and to maintain private schools, or colleges or other institutions of tertiary education: provided that: (a) such schools, colleges or institutions of tertiary education are registered with a Government department in accordance with any law authorising and regulating such registration; (b) the standards maintained by such schools, colleges or institutions of tertiary education are not inferior to the standards maintained in comparable schools, colleges or institutions of tertiary education funded by the State; Tertiary education schools are mushrooming all over the country. They provide e...