Namibian Citizens' Emergency Flood Relief Campaign
Dear compatriots and friends
Namibia Cares was formally launched on the 14th of April 2011 by a number of caring Namibian citizens to assist the victims of the unprecedented floods in our country. We are writing to let you know how you can join the growing movement of human solidarity with the tens of thousands of affected residents of Namibia. We believe that every person in Namibia cares, and, if given the chance, would want to help in his or own way.
Today, more than 13,000 persons remain in relocation centres, more than 200 schools remain closed, and more than one hundred lives have been lost due to the floods. It is expected that the relocation centres will continue to operate at least until the end of June in some areas and until the end of August in others. When the flood waters subside and the relocated persons are able to return to their homes, they will face the prospect of clearing debris, rebuilding their homes, replanting their crops and replacing lost personal property.
We therefore appeal to you to donate, as you see fit:
• In-kind contributions of clothes, bedding, canned food, cooking and eating utensils, dish, laundry and body soaps, writing pads, pencils and crayons, toys, shovels, rakes, refuse bags or any other useful items; or
• A cash donation to one of the accounts listed below. (A law firm, Dr. Weder, Kauta and Hoveka, is receiving the funds to assure proper control).
You may bring your in-kind donations to our office at Khomas Regional Council headquarters or you may phone our office for collection or more information.
We also invite you to join our efforts. You can
• place collection boxes at your place of work or school;
• ask your church or organisation to appeal to its members for contributions. (We can supply collection boxes or stickers for your own boxes)
• send this letter to your email contacts or to your friends on Facebook.
You are welcome to attend our weekly Monday meetings at 5pm at the Khomas Regional Council Office or to phone the office for more details. We need many more volunteers, and your humble contribution will be very much appreciated.
Kind regards,
Helmut K Angula (National Coordinator)
Deputy Coordinators: Tangeni Angula - Paul Smit - Vicki Erenstein ya Toivo
Patrons: Hon. Libertine Amathila Hon. Ben Amathila, Hon. Johan De Waal, Hon. Samuel Nuuyoma
Trust Accounts
Name: Dr. Weder, Kauta and Hoveka, Inc.
Ref: Namibia Cares
Bank Windhoek
1026 643 801
Branch code 48-19-72-00
First National Bank
Acc. No 6201 677 2578
Branch code: 281 072