I know, I know Not
There are four kinds of knowing.
• Knowing you know,
• knowing you know not,
• not knowing you know and
• not knowing you know not
Let's look at each one and what it means:
Knowing you know - this is what we consider our education and training
Knowing you know not - this is what we want to learn
Not knowing you know - this refers to information you have gained, but are not aware of using in your life - often recognised as trivia
Not knowing you know not - this is the area you need to find out more about!
Around twenty years ago, I realised that due to the place and time I grew up in, I had been kept in the dark about many things (censorship). This was especaily clear when it came to religion or as it is also known, metphysics.
Below a list of things I did not know I did not know when I was twenty. Maybe you might find it useful?
• Ramtha
• Reiki
• Dianetics – Scientology
• Aristotle
• 7 habits of successful people
• The art of loving a woman
• The art of keeping a good woman
Perhaps, you know something I don't know I don't know?
• Knowing you know,
• knowing you know not,
• not knowing you know and
• not knowing you know not
Let's look at each one and what it means:
Knowing you know - this is what we consider our education and training
Knowing you know not - this is what we want to learn
Not knowing you know - this refers to information you have gained, but are not aware of using in your life - often recognised as trivia
Not knowing you know not - this is the area you need to find out more about!
Around twenty years ago, I realised that due to the place and time I grew up in, I had been kept in the dark about many things (censorship). This was especaily clear when it came to religion or as it is also known, metphysics.
Below a list of things I did not know I did not know when I was twenty. Maybe you might find it useful?
• Ramtha
• Reiki
• Dianetics – Scientology
• Aristotle
• 7 habits of successful people
• The art of loving a woman
• The art of keeping a good woman
Perhaps, you know something I don't know I don't know?