
I am an pan African

Citizenship of a country is like being a member of a certain club. It allows you access to certain services, participation in social and economic programmes as well as the rewards.

Let's put Namibia on the forefront of technology

I am a social entrepreneur that has been developing a central register of data for Namibia since 1993. As a student of computer science and statistics I was interested in developing an economic modelling system to assist my country through the first years after Independence in 1990. At present, this personal data register includes over 1 million records, or over half the population. This comes from public information such as electoral rolls, land registers, etc. In 1999, I started a partnership with Creditreform Düsseldorf Frormann KG to develop a proposal for an integrated central register of personal and business data that would assist Government and the financial services industry provide better services to the people and businesses. The collection of data has continued over the 12 year period and we have met with various government officials to explain the benefits. However, the understanding of how to implement the technology has been lacking. The World Economic Forum (WEF), ...

Am I Afropolitan? - "a rose by any other name"

I define myself as being the person I see in the mirror. My friends define me as what they see now, my community define me as what I have achieved. However, how does the world, who does not know me, define me? If they cannot define me, they find it difficult to interact with an unknown. We might hide behind the pretense of not seeing differences, but that would be lying to ourselves. So, rather than disagree with you on what you call me, I embrace all those labels! For each label, I am able to attach myself to another group to find similarities rather than differences. Call me AFROPOLITAN Recently I came across an article about being Afropolitan. This word means: An African from the continent of dual nationality  An African born in the Diaspora  An African who identifies with their African and European heritage and mixed culture. An African free from local, provincial, or national ideas, prejudices, or attachments; at home all over the world. Let's exami...

Consumer Protection Group advocates for laws to protect buyers

Original Story in the Namibian Newspaper By: ROB PARKER - Namibian Newspaper This week The Namibian Consumer spoke to Milton Louw, founder of the Namibia Consumer Protection Group (NCPG) about the activities of his organisation and the biggest issues affecting Namibian consumers today. You are the founding member of the Namibia Consumer Protection Group? what does this group do? What are your powers?  The NCPG is a lobby group started in 2009 to provide an information channel to consumer about their rights in Namibia. It focuses on illegal and unethical behaviour by Namibian companies. The Consumer Charter we promote states all consumers have: *   The right to basic goods and services which guarantee survival. *    The right to be protected against the marketing of goods or the provision of services that are hazardous to health and life. *   The right to be protected against dishonest or misleading advertising or labelling. *   The right to choose ...

What happened at Sam Khubis - the day of the covenant of the Rehoboth Baster people of Namibia?

Sam Khubis Commemorated - 8 May 1915 02.02. South African (SA) Prime Minister Louis Botha arrives in Swakopmund and takes over command of SA’s 43 000 soldiers (on 11.02.). 15.04. The Basters rise against the Germans as a result of a secret meeting between Botha and Baster Captain Cornelius van Wyk on 01.04. The Basters are specifically dissatisfied that the "Baster Corps" is used to guard SA prisoners of war in Otjiwarongo. In Schlip, Pieter Mouton collects all available able-bodied Basters to proceed to Sam-Khubis. On the way they kill inter alia the German policemen Rudolf Rogge and Richard Ewald Ernst Putzier on Büllspoort. The Germans, on their way to Sam-Khubis, attack the Basters at Heuras, Uitdraai and Kabirab. Among the Basters fighting the Germans are Samuel and Johannes Beukes. 08.05. The battle of Sam-Khubis is fought between the Germans and Basters. The Baster community still commemorates the battle every year. The German troops travel by railway to Ber...

What is faith to me?

There is more to my happiness and ability to perceive my life in positive terms. It is a mental attitude that I have spent time and energy on achieveing. (Perhaps I should also add money, even though it was not my money.) Since a very young age I have been prodded and poked to make sure that I was okay. This was especially noticable to me after my mother passed away when I was five years old. I was fortunate that after she had her accident while playing table-tennis, she still had enough time the next day to talk to be in the ambukance before she was moved to a hospital with better facilities. My mother had always taught me that "God's will be done" and that accepting His way would always lead me where I need to be. That day in the ambulance, she once again reminded me to "heed God's will" and "accept what you are given in life". Jeremiah 29 vs 11: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm y...

Namibian Bloggers - May 2012

A list of Namibian bloggers which I hope to expand with your help. Change your life - Creating Wealth - Daves Boring Blog - Dune Sieben (German) - End forced Sterilisation - Frantic Naturalist - Girl Uncovered - I present Roxanne - Lottering News  - Making a better Namibia - Namibian DJ|s - Namibia Facts - Namibia Welcome - One Stoned Crow - The Joys Of My Splintered Life In SMALLTOWN - Vakwetu Style -