I define myself as being the person I see in the mirror. My friends define me as what they see now, my community define me as what I have achieved. However, how does the world, who does not know me, define me? If they cannot define me, they find it difficult to interact with an unknown. We might hide behind the pretense of not seeing differences, but that would be lying to ourselves. So, rather than disagree with you on what you call me, I embrace all those labels! For each label, I am able to attach myself to another group to find similarities rather than differences. Call me AFROPOLITAN Recently I came across an article about being Afropolitan. This word means: An African from the continent of dual nationality An African born in the Diaspora An African who identifies with their African and European heritage and mixed culture. An African free from local, provincial, or national ideas, prejudices, or attachments; at home all over the world. Let's exami...