Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Being with you

I remember the first time we met
And now I’m really happy we did
Even though I acted like a real wet;
Which you probably didn’t even notice
‘Cause you were laughing too much.

Your laugh is something I enjoy hearing
As it makes me think you’re happy –
And that’s makes my heart want to sing
As it is me making you laugh.

Now I’m sleeping out a lot
And my Dad has spoken to me about it
But I don’t mind as it’s you I got
And that’s the most important thing
As I care about you!

Incomprehensible Poem - By: A Broken Heart

Its been a long time sine I wrote something decent
Something out of my heart that is really meant
And this is because my heart was too sore
But now I’ve found out that to life there is more
More than just loving you

You did the same as the others
And I hate all girls for being mothers!

Now I feel heart healing
As Cupido to me a new hand is dealing
In the form of another Heart –breaker!

But all of those who broke my heart
You were the only one about who I didn’t get smart
So revel in the fact that you’ve won
And I’ll worry about what you done
As you girls are all the same!

You’re the one for me! (Dedicated to Yolanda Esterhuisen)

Sitting here looking at you
I don’t know what to say
‘Cause all I have on my mind
Is seeing you each and every day.

I know I have to study
And you also have many years ahead
But I’m a patient kind of guy
So I’ll just wait until we can get wed.

There’s a bunch of stories about me
Stories about me being a Dad
But I know you won’t believe them
Because you know I ain’t that bad!

Your mom mounted at me the other day
And the worst part was: I didn’t know what to say
But that has all been left behind
‘Cause now I have made up my mind

“That you are the girl for me!”

Can I be sure?

A friend of yours has been whispering a lot in your ear lately and I’m getting worried;
She seems to be carrying messages from other guys with whom I don’t what you did
So tell me, can I be sure of your love?

Sometimes I wonder how its possible that a beauty like you can like a guy like me
and all I seem to get for an answer is – that you like my personality;
but how do I know that will always keep you true?

I’ve always tried to pretend that I’m not the jealous type who watches you with other guys
But lately I just can’t control myself and keep watching you to see if you tell any lies
‘Cause I’m quite in love with you, that’s for sure!

I was kinda wondering real heard about how much you care for me when I wrote this song
And that’s why I ask you these questions so I can look in your eyes and see I’m wrong
‘Cause now I’m real sure of your love for me!!

A girl called Bernadette

I met a girl called Bernadette
And now I’m really glade we’ve met
‘Cause she really intrigues me
And what that is what I like in a girl, see!

I know she’ll probably think this poem’s dumb
But it is the fault of her…
‘Cause when I see them, my brain goes numb.
(-Because they don’t look like washing pegs!)

Why am I writing this poem?
I don’t know either: but just wait:-
Maybe she and I will set up Home
If she turns out to be the ideal mate.

This is the end of the lyric
And to be quit honest, it is quite sick.