Credit Reporting Agency for Namibia
*First posted on 23 June 2006* SUBMISSION ON BANKING REGULATIONS VIS-À-VIS CREDIT PROVISION The following is the submission made to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Economics, Natural Resources and Public Administration. They held public hearings on bank charges and regulations on 14 July 2006 in Windhoek. The banking system in Namibia is presently facing difficulties in their abilities to provide financing for individuals and business, especially small and medium enterprises (SME's). This problem is further influenced by the present level of non-performing debt being experienced in all sectors that provide credit. This poor performance on loans has led to many institutions having to recoup their losses, and provide themselves with profit, through high interests and "innovative" banking charges. It is my opinion that this can be addressed through the increased usage of Information and Communication Technologies. As an example, I attach a paper on the need for credi...