The Scorpion Syndrome
A new discovery in psychoneuroimmunology in the field of mind-body medicine
Prof. A. Zielinski *
Dedication: I dedicate my work to my great Teacher and Master Who is more than a Father and Friend to me and Whose unworthy ambassador I am. I wish and hope that this discovery and development will help improve the conditions of humanity.
Acknowledgement: With gratitude I acknowledge the great help and support I have been receiving from many friends and such great institutes as the St. Petersburg V.M. Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute, the State University of St. Petersburg, Russia, the International Academy at St. Petersburg and the Russian Academy of Science.
The Paradigm of the Syndrome
The scorpion is a brave an intelligent creature. It will fight when attacked, and when it realizes that it cannot win the fight, it will decide on a swift escape. Once in a demonstration of a scorpion that was in a fight, the scorpion decided to flee. A big circle of lighted gasoline was made around the scorpion. When the scorpion realized that he could not fight nor flee successfully because of the circle of fire, he did something very impressive. He put his stinger in his own body and began pumping venom into himself until he slowly died. No other animal does this. We human beings, however, act in a similar way when we find no way out of a situation.
A human being has a complex infrastructure in his body to cope with almost all situations that may be faced during life. When a decision to fight is made in the broadest sense of the word, the body will produce i.a. adrenalin. This makes the skin "senseless" against injuries and also helps the mind to focus on the fight. When, however, man decides on flight, the body will produce such substances that give the body great endurance and energy. One can run for hours, or jump over walls that normally without such flight conditions would be impossible. Now, if for any reason a human being feels that he is being attacked, and if there is no possibility to fight or flee, the body will suppress its immune system and the person will become sick and can eventually die of any disease including cancer, cardiac arrest or other psychosomatic illnesses.
The Treatment of the Scorpion Syndrome
The method for treating the Scorpion Syndrome has been developed, consisting of various stages. Stage one consists of stimulating the neurons of the brain to produce Delta brain waves. During this phase the patient can see for himself in a kind of inner vision, also called "remote vision", the cause of the Scorpion Syndrome. The "remote vision" will show him pictures or events during any period of his life, including his mother's pregnancy that is causing the syndrome. Once the cause of the Scorpion Syndrome is known, we can proceed to phase two of the treatment, in which Theta brain waves are being produced by the stimulated neurons of the brain.
During this phase, subliminal neurolinguistic information is being sent to the long- term memory of the brain through the right hemisphere. This information will now dissolve the cause of the Scorpion Syndrome instantaneously, releasing the suppression of the immune system. The immune system will now be activated and a healing process will start automatically, because the immune system is not being suppressed any more by the Scorpion Syndrome, which has been resolved through the neurolinguistic subliminal message to the brain.
Some Case Histories of the Scorpion Syndrome
A 37-year-old patient of the Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia, had an insomnia problem. He could not sleep during the night or day no matter what he did and therefore could not function at all. After the treatment, we had to shake him to wake him up because he was snoring so loud and instantaneously he was cured of his insomnia problem.
A 21-year-old girl had a kind of dermatitis that presented itself in the following manner:
Whenever she was lightly scratched on the skin, a blister would appear as if she had been burnt with hot oil. She said that the symptom began six years earlier and there was no cure to be found. During the "remote vision", it was discovered that six years earlier at the age of 15, she was in love with a young man whom her mother disapproved of. Her mother felt she was much too young to be in love. The girl ran away from home and had not spoken to her mother since then. Immediately after the subliminal neurolinguistic message was sent to her brain, the blisters disappeared from her skin and she felt an intense longing to go to her parent to reconcile. She was immediately relieved of her symptoms of what appeared as a kind of neurodermitis.
A 51-year-old woman was dying. She had a rare form of depression. A subliminal neurolinguistic message was sent to her brain reactivating her immune system. Two weeks later she accompanied her husband on a business trip to Italy. She was completely cured of her depression.
A young man of 23 had a serious cocaine problem. After a subliminal neurolinguistic message was sent to his brain, he never wanted to take cocaine again and there were even no withdrawal symptoms.
A woman, aged 53, wanted to quit smoking and had tried various methods that were unsuccessful. After the subliminal neurolinguistic message was sent to her brain, she was cured of her smoking addiction immediately and never smoked again.
A 43-year-old man was impotent. During the "remote vision", it was found that he was present during the birth of his son twelve years earlier. It was a very difficult birth and he had been impotent since that time. After an appropriate subliminal neurolinguistic message was sent to his brain he was cured instantaneously and could have normal relations with his wife.
A beautiful lady of 43 had lung cancer. Twenty-one years previously she had married, had a baby a year later and was then caught in Miami with ten kilograms of heroin in her suitcase that she knew nothing about. She was sentenced to four and a half years in prison. Her husband returned to his country with the baby, filed for divorce and married another woman. Later on, the husband confessed that he was the one who had hidden the heroin in her suitcase and that is wife had been innocent. Meanwhile, she did not have contact with her son for twenty years and felt her life was ruined. After the subliminal neurolinguistic information was sent to her brain, the suppression of the immune system was released so that the healing forces of the body could take care of her health. She has been completely cured of her lung cancer.
A 45-year-old woman was suffering from schizophrenia. She was constantly hearing different inner voices and also had frequent outbursts of anger. As a result of this she repeatedly experienced problems in her marriages and relationships. During the "remote vision" it was discovered that in her childhood she had repeatedly been sexually abused by a family member and had also been neglected by her mother who was an alcoholic. After the treatment the inner voices immediately vanished for good including the outbursts of anger and the woman became a friendly and attractive lady.
The entire treatment takes only one day (7 to 9 hours) and does not have to be repeated. The subliminal neurolinguistic information lasts 30 seconds to 15 minutes depending on the complexity of the case and is formulated for every person individually.
* Professor Zielinski conducts research i.a. in the activation and stimulation of the immune system with subliminal neurolinguistic information and with electromagnetic millimeter waves within the bandwidth of cell communication. He is connected with the International Academy at St Petersburg, Russia, and he is an active member of the Russian Academy of Science. Prof. Zielinski is ambassador of the International Scientists' Club with its headquarters at St. Petersburg, Russia.
Prof. Zielinski can be contacted in English language via the Internet at the E-mail address:
Recommended literature:
"A Clinicians' Guide to Psychoneuroimmunology" by Dr. Alan Watkins. "Handbook for Psychoneuroimmunology" by Dr. Robert Ader.