Showing my love for my neighbour

Paraphrased from Corinthians 13. The bible verse gifted to me by my Grandmother, Joyce Du Preez.

I have been taught three things are necessary in life: faith, hope and showing my love for my neighbour and the most important is showing my love for my neighbour.

Even though I can speak four languages and write computer programs, but do not show my love for my neighbour, I am like pirated music;
And though I can see future trends, understand social media and have an international blog; Even though I have faith that I will become President of Namibia, and do not show love for my neighbour, I am nothing and have no social influence;
Even though I am leaving my riches to feed the poor, and my body will be buried in heroes Acre, but do not show my love for my neighbour, it will not make me wealthy;

Because when I show my love for my neighbour,
- I lend my ears and give from my heart
- I am not jealous or resent the good fortune of my neighbour
- I am not arrogant or swollen with pride
- I am not rude
- I am not always seeking to receive my share or commission
- I am not easily irritated
- I do not think evil of my neighbour

I get angered by injustice and wealth inequalities and promote ethics and morality

I accept my own situation, believe, hope and endure all challenges

The love I show for my neighbour will never stop,
- even when my future predictions do not come true
- even when new technologies are not understood
- even when my skills become out of date

At this moment, I only know a little and can only guess to the future - When I reach heaven, I will no longer need to guess

When I was self-centred, I spoke about myself, understood only my own opinion, and thought only of my own well-being, now that I understand my part in society, I no longer think on those foolish, selfish things

While I am on this earth, I can only see shadows, but there I shall see clearly;
Now I am only aware of things fed to me through television and news, but only in heaven shall I fully appreciate the gifts God has given me.

I have been taught three things are necessary in life: faith, hope and showing my love for my neighbour and the most important is showing my love for my neighbour.

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