
Showing posts from August, 2012

Can entrepreneurship be taught?

Permission to reprint from Anthony Farr For decades, entrepreneurship has been viewed as something risky and mysterious that only a few lucky mavericks could master. This perception has been fuelled by a public reverence for successful individuals, who seem to have had no formal training to which their entrepreneurial success could be attributed. Some educational institutions have also shunned or quashed entrepreneurship as a non-discipline, something unteachable and incongruous with traditional discipline-based courses. Whilst the significance of entrepreneurship for a country’s economy is rarely disputed, the much-debated question is whether entrepreneurship is an elusive and exclusive “talent” that is inherent in some, or whether it can be taught and therefore extended to a wider segment of the population who will contribute to the growth of its economy. But I believe that entrepreneurship can be taught and that it is a process that begins with rethinking its definition. Rede...

Inheritance Tracing Agency

Inheritance Tracing Agency is a wholly owned Namibian Company, managed and operated by Namibians. Established in 2010, ITA specializes in finding beneficiaries and unknown heirs as well as the re-unification of assets, by providing pro-active search services to individuals, companies and the legal entities in Namibia According to the founder Andreas Hamutenya, The Company’s services promote consumer education and serves as a consumer protector. Clients can buy these financial products and services without hesitation knowing that they will actually benefit from such products in events of re-location or even death. Financial institutions are also benefiting in terms of administration costs reduction as these institutions won’t be dealing with the issue of making follow ups on where-about of untraceable clients. By seeking out sources of misplaced assets in situations where heirs can not be identified or located, the company boosts awareness, confidence and trust among the general p...

I will put you in your place

Don't ever mistake  my silence for ignorance, my calmness for acceptance or my kindness for weakness Had an opportunity to realise again that some people take my kindness for weakness. Just because I am always taking life as fun, does not mean I do not have serious side. When I say NO, it means NO, even when I say it with a smile. I had to learn that people only say and do what I allow them to. I might not walk around looking angry all the time, but I will put you in your place when I feel disrespected - and I will do it with a smile.

Showing my love for my neighbour

Paraphrased from Corinthians 13. The bible verse gifted to me by my Grandmother, Joyce Du Preez. I have been taught three things are necessary in life: faith, hope and showing my love for my neighbour and the most important is showing my love for my neighbour. Even though I can speak four languages and write computer programs, but do not show my love for my neighbour, I am like pirated music; And though I can see future trends, understand social media and have an international blog; Even though I have faith that I will become President of Namibia, and do not show love for my neighbour, I am nothing and have no social influence; Even though I am leaving my riches to feed the poor, and my body will be buried in heroes Acre, but do not show my love for my neighbour, it will not make me wealthy; Because when I show my love for my neighbour, - I lend my ears and give from my heart - I am not jealous or resent the good fortune of my neighbour - I am not arrogant o...