
Showing posts from April, 2009

Finished my book!

Almost end of April 2009 and just finished my book, " Namibia's Future -Smile my beloved Land ". Not sure if anybody will read it, but you never know;-). You can get a copy at by clicking the link. The next few lines were scribbled as I was printing a hardcopy: A swan song To much too drink Too much too think Thank you all But back to the mall; This had to be done I wish it could be someone Who cares a little bit more Someone who does not feel so sore; But this is my swan song: For better or worse, Thank you one and all, My curse is not suffered alone.

Me and bad debts

In 2004 I returned from Germany and started up my company, NamBizDotCom, which is registered as a Close Corporation. I was working on two contracts at the time involving SME’s. The first was in cooperation with SMEs Compete and included a trip to South Africa and Angola to look for possible partners in these countries. The second contract, was for the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) and was to complete the SME Impact Assessment Survey for 2004. Unfortunately, my father was declared disabled and unable to continue working. He was 54 and no longer able to generate an income. This started a financial calamity that still haunts me till today. Firstly, the bank, FNB, passed on the insurance claim to Metropolitan Insurance who did not want to accept his disability and therefore allow for his insurance to cover the cost of the home loan. The buck was passed between the two institutions and this delay meant my father was in arrears on his home loan. The bank therefore duly put his ...

Chinese a good thing for Namibia

Many Namibians have expressed alarm at the number of Chinese workers and business people entering Namibia. The most often heard complaint is that the Chinese are taking work away from Namibian workers because they are “willing to work for too little and much harder – even over weekends”. Historically since the 1960’s, SWAPO has been a close ally of the Communist Party during the struggle for liberation. After Independence, these ties are still very good. Since 1990 China has provided more than N$ 1,2 billion in concessional and interest free loans. A further US$ 100 million credit line signed in 2007 has not yet been utilised. Looking at the trade statistics, Namibia already imports 25% of its products (2006), and the rate is growing at 53% per year. (These numbers refer to countries other than SACU members.) In my opinion the relationship with China is beneficial to our country. One of the most important things we can learn from the Chinese is the ability to work. I believe that rathe...

On being Coloured

I am a Coloured. I am a coloured because my parents raised me as such, and because of the environment around me. Most importantly, I can answer my young daughters, ( who were not born during Apartheid ), when they ask me, “Daddy what am I?” I can laugh loudest and longest when I see a caricature of a coloured woman gossiping with her neighbour over the fence – it happens in my family even though now it is over the Cellphone, and sometimes in the doctor’s waiting room. The next observation by people is obviously the one about the typical coloured. It is either the “LBS, lieg, brag en steel” (lie cheat and steal) or the drinking, smoking drugs, swearing and loafing around – and most commonly having babies at a young age. I even had a white young lady tell me that I should not wear baggy clothes the way “the coloureds do”. DUH! And let’s not forget the one thing that carries over from one generation to another – our love of going to nightclubs and just hanging (“ nee daddy, ons hang n...

Love Freedom Profile

Got a new friend on Facebook. Loved her profile: "Happiness is Contagious! Let's make this world a better place by choosing to be happy and making the people around us happy. Let’s spread the Love and the Good Vibes! Happiness is our birthright as human beings. There is no doubt that life can be hard — living in today’s world is not always easy especially with the overwhelming amount of negativity around us. But happiness is a choice. Make a conscious decision to be happy. You can be happy right now. It’s all up to you. Be a steward of happiness and good vibes! Do a random act of kindness everyday. It doesn't need to be big; it could be a small deed or a gesture that will brighten up someone's day! • Hold the door for someone • Compliment a friend • Let in a merging motorist • Carry groceries for a senior • Say good morning to a co-worker • Phone an old friend • Bring cupcakes to the office • … Or just give someone a friendly smile There are countless possibilities! Th...

God's messages

An advertising company in USA put these up on billboards and buses. They really made me think twice this Easter. 1. Let's Meet At My House Sunday Before the Game - God 2. C'mon Over And Bring The Kids - God 3. What Part of "Thou Shalt Not..." Didn't You understand? - God 4. We Need To Talk - God 5. Keep Using My Name in Vain And I'll Make Rush Hour Longer - God 6. Loved The Wedding, Invite Me To The Marriage - God 7. That "Love Thy Neighbor" Thing, I Meant It. - God 8. I Love You ... I Love You ... I Love You ... - God 9. Will The Road You're On Get You To My Place? - God 10. Follow Me. - God 11. Big Bang Theory, You've Got To Be Kidding. - God 12. My Way Is The Highway. - God 13. Need Directions? - God 14. You Think It's Hot Here? - God 15. Tell The Kids I Love Them. - God 16. Need a Marriage Counselor? I'm Available. - God 17. Have You Read My #1 Best Seller? There Will Be A Test. - God Lastly, I was thinking about how people read ...

Search only Namibian websites

Hi, how do I search only Namibian websites for some information? Well for my research I kept getting too many other non-Namibian information. I created a Google Search Engine applications just for Namibian websites: Thought you might enjoy it. Let me know if it is of any use. {Feel free to become a contributor of websites too - its for all of us.) Thought for the week: "Whenever I found out anything remarkable, I have thought it my duty to put down my discovery on paper, so that all ingenious people might be informed thereof.”- Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Kind regards Milton ________________________________________________ P.S. You can alos see the searh engine on my website:

Monopolies in Namibia

Monopolies - the good, the bad the ….. What are Monopolies? Most people discuss monopolies and blame it for high allowing certain companies to get away with higher prices or unsatisfactory service levels. The argument here is that if competition is allowed, this would automatically mean lower prices or better service. In the following text I look at the various types of monopolies, how they came to exist, and most importantly is competition always a good thing? There are various types of monopoly. Let us look at the most common types in Namibia. - Selling monopolies - a company is the only supplier of a product and the customers must accept the prices it fixes - Producing monopolies - a company controls the manufacture or source of supply - Trading monopolies - a company controls the marketing channel between the source and the customers Furthermore, most monopolies are either national (countrywide) or local in geography. There are three main ways in which a monopoly gets its power, ei...

Keep you cell number - change your network

Number Portability Most countries around the world have opened their telecommunications markets to competition, which has accelerated the deployment of telecommunications services more quickly and cost-effectively than past monopolies have achieved. Some of these liberalisation efforts are being driven by regulations that call for number portability. For example, the European Union (EU) Universal Service and Users' Rights Directive (2002/22/EC), Article 30 - effective since July 2003 - imposes on all EU member states the following obligations: Member states shall ensure that all subscribers of publicly available telephone services, including mobile services, who so request can retain their number(s) independently of the undertaking providing the service: " o In the case of geographic numbers, at a specific location; and " o In the case of non-geographic numbers, at any location. As consumers we have must have the choice of which service provider we want to use. M...