In Flagrante Delicto
(First appeared in New Era 25 March 2015) This week’s column heading comes from the Medieval Latin word “In flagrante delicto” meaning “while the crime is burning”. This refers to being caught in the very act of wrongdoing. Today it most often refers to being caught in an act of sexual misconduct. The past few months have seen a large number of celebrities, as well as a few local ladies, find themselves in hot water as their ex-lovers have posted nude pictures or other sexually explicit material over the social networks. This type of behaviour is referred to as “revenge porn” and even has websites where such material is welcomed. Namibia also joined this distasteful practice when a tertiary student posted a video of his ex-girlfriend recently online. I have five daughters who grown up around me and had to from time to time remind them that certain behaviour is not “lady-like”. Being in the field of information technology and having access to many of the ICT tools early on, led me t...