Joke of the week: Airtime has an expiry date
First printed in the Namibian of 28 March 2013 All of us have at one time or another bought a product and on using the product notice that the expiry date has passed. The expiry date (or shelf life) indicates the length of time that foods, beverages, pharmaceutical drugs, chemicals, and many other perishable items are given before they are considered unsuitable for sale, use, or consumption. This is a way in which consumers are protected from unsafe products, and it provides protection for the seller of the product as the consumer has sufficient information through the printed expiry date. Now imagine going to the shop and buying a roll of toilet paper. You store the toilet paper and after two months you take it out of its packing to use for what you bought it. Would you not be a little upset if when you start to use the toilet paper it all falls apart while you are using it? When you go to the place you bought it to insist they refund you your money, you might have to si...