

Corruption is bad for any country. It prevents growth by diverting funds, scaring foreign investment and encourages educated citizens to leave so as not to be also considered part of a corrupt state. The corrupt allocation of natural resources will lead to the depletion of these resources to the detriment of all citizens. It breaks the trust between the people and its government. Most importantly is puts in doubt the ability of the government, civil service and all politicians. In other words it endangers our democracy and the rule of law. Study proves corruption is less profitable “Not only do you get punished by God for corruption, now we know you get punished on earth too”, said one of the readers of a recent study on corruption. A recent study on ethics in business shows that companies that have high ethical standards and behaviour are more profitable than their competitors. Suppliers and customers alike prefer working with a company where the “rules are clear” and business decisi...

Unionise the ICT / Data workers of Namibia

Employees and their Unions Workers are often unskilled, semi-literate and the working conditions allow for very little opportunity to become informed of their rights. Because of the nature of our independence struggle, most workers are however aware that the unions, through their affiliation to SWAPO, are an intimidating bargainer to employers. The worker in Namibia, who pays his or her membership dues, expects protection, better pay, better working conditions, more benefits and a sense of belonging. IT Workers In the modern world the distinction between white-collar and blue-collar workers are not the same as they used to be. This is particularly so in the Information Technology sector. The IT sector was previously considered white-collar, in that many of the employees were working as software engineers and programmers. Today, many of the IT workers are busy with the backbone or infrastructure as well as the data input and manipulation. The sector needs to become organised into an ICT...

Being thankful in the face of adversity

I was once again reminded today of how we sometimes cannot see the forest for the trees. Sometimes our own problems are so big, we do not appreciate how a little kindness or thoughtfulness from our side can greatly improve somebody's life. The problem that I am presently facing is the lack of cashflow - getting the money that I have worked for to get into my pocket. A dear friend sent me a movie showing a child too hungry even too eat! AND I am the one complaining. So today my prayer is: "Thank you for reminding me of all the blessings I have received. May I never forget to offer my assistance to others."

Having children is not easy

Somedays I feel lika a character on an American sitcom, something like the father on Fresh Prince or the Huckstables. Completely past my sell-by-date! Don't get me wrong, I love my children and wish I coud do more for them. The problem is that often I cannot do more. More than ever I appreciate now the institution of marriage. At least you have an ally and someone with whom you can discuss the problems and way to tackle them. It is also unfortunate we do not have support groupd for divorced fathers?

Finished my book!

Almost end of April 2009 and just finished my book, " Namibia's Future -Smile my beloved Land ". Not sure if anybody will read it, but you never know;-). You can get a copy at by clicking the link. The next few lines were scribbled as I was printing a hardcopy: A swan song To much too drink Too much too think Thank you all But back to the mall; This had to be done I wish it could be someone Who cares a little bit more Someone who does not feel so sore; But this is my swan song: For better or worse, Thank you one and all, My curse is not suffered alone.

Me and bad debts

In 2004 I returned from Germany and started up my company, NamBizDotCom, which is registered as a Close Corporation. I was working on two contracts at the time involving SME’s. The first was in cooperation with SMEs Compete and included a trip to South Africa and Angola to look for possible partners in these countries. The second contract, was for the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) and was to complete the SME Impact Assessment Survey for 2004. Unfortunately, my father was declared disabled and unable to continue working. He was 54 and no longer able to generate an income. This started a financial calamity that still haunts me till today. Firstly, the bank, FNB, passed on the insurance claim to Metropolitan Insurance who did not want to accept his disability and therefore allow for his insurance to cover the cost of the home loan. The buck was passed between the two institutions and this delay meant my father was in arrears on his home loan. The bank therefore duly put his ...

Chinese a good thing for Namibia

Many Namibians have expressed alarm at the number of Chinese workers and business people entering Namibia. The most often heard complaint is that the Chinese are taking work away from Namibian workers because they are “willing to work for too little and much harder – even over weekends”. Historically since the 1960’s, SWAPO has been a close ally of the Communist Party during the struggle for liberation. After Independence, these ties are still very good. Since 1990 China has provided more than N$ 1,2 billion in concessional and interest free loans. A further US$ 100 million credit line signed in 2007 has not yet been utilised. Looking at the trade statistics, Namibia already imports 25% of its products (2006), and the rate is growing at 53% per year. (These numbers refer to countries other than SACU members.) In my opinion the relationship with China is beneficial to our country. One of the most important things we can learn from the Chinese is the ability to work. I believe that rathe...