Namibia’s form of capitalism must be reigned in
(First Published in New Era Newspaper - 4 June 2014) Recently a family member of mine woke up to the reality of how cold it really is this winter in the capital. At the end of April the City of Windhoek came to cut his power supply because of arrears in the family water and electricity account. The amount of arrears had accumulated over a period of twelve months as the family did not every time pay the full amount due. After around a year, the family was faced with just under N$3,000 they had to pay before electricity could be re-connected. A friend in Windhoek recently came to the end of their rental contract of a year and presumed that the contract would automatically be renewed with a possible slight increase from her present N$ 5,000 per month. Imagine her surprise when the landlady sent her the new contract with the rental agreement now being N$ 6,200 per month. This is a month on month increase of N$ 1,200 or 25%. The friend and her family earns around N$ 12,000 in total a...