
Showing posts from May, 2013

Namibia should speak for its brothers in Zimbabwe

"Without moral and intellectual independence, there is no anchor for national independence." - David Ben-Gurion Namibia has a duty to speak out against all acts that deprive any individual of their fundamental human rights. The first line of the preamble to our Constitution states “Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is indispensable for freedom, justice and peace;” It is therefore the duty of each Namibian citizen, and all our political leaders to show moral leadership in our undertakings with all countries of the world. A new advertising campaign for The Zimbabwean highlights the newspaper's role in giving a voice to the people of Zimbabwe. The posters feature images taken by photojournalists who have worked in the country over the last two years, and direct viewers to the newspaper's  w...

Namibia has lost its godliness.

The discussion about bible studies at school is a reaction to our realising that we have lost our moral compass as a nation. Because we remember the days of pre-independence as being without this type of lawlessness, it is easiest to point to a single change, such as the removal of bible studies from schools, and say we should reinstate this and then things will become better. Unfortunately this is too easy an argument and might even detract us too long while these things continue to occur in our communities. We need to tackle the root of the problem directly; There is a lack of godliness in our culture since we embraced our Independence. By this I refer to the feeling that as individuals we are aware that our deeds on earth will be judged when we pass from this earth. This feeling is the one that makes you look around when you are about to do something wrong. That feeling that makes you come to the defence of those more vulnerable in our community, that feeling that makes us give...