
Showing posts from July, 2012

Please list me as the Father of your Child

I am the named as the father of a child on his birth certificate, but I am not the biological father. This was my choice. I offered my name to his mother. Let me tell you the story. In 2004, I met a young woman who had a child of 3 months old. Really cute (as most babies are) but the mother did not have a name for him. HUH? When i questioned her she told me that the Ministry of Home Affairs would not register the child without the name of the father. Unfortunately she did not know who the father was. This meant she had no birth certificate, and worse could not get a clinic card for her son. I went with her to the offices and offered to have them list me as the father. The GRN official told me that this was not possible unless i was the biological father or married to the woman. Now those of you who know me - know I don't take no for an answer. I walked next door to the marriage regitration office and booked a marrigae appointment with the woman for the next we...

Establishing a Namibian Savings and Credit Cooperative

Introduction The consistently increasing living cost has brought a big burden to Namibian as they never seem to earn enough to cover their daily needs. Many people tend to deal with this problem through the moneylenders such as banks and cash loans who charge them very high interest rates. By so doing their indebtedness is increased even more and the situation becomes more serious to them. However, this money problem can be reduced if they join together under the cooperative principles of self-help and mutual help. A cooperative is a business owned by its members for their mutual social economic and cultural benefit. There are two types of cooperatives namely, 1.        consumer or service  cooperative – owned and managed by the people who use its services; and 2.        workers’ cooperative – owned and managed by people who work in the business. Namibia created an enabling environment for cooperatives ...

Stealing copyrighted pictures in Africa

Eish, I might not be a music artist - but copying must be some form of flattery? The song below was created in remembrance of my comrades and I who were part of the internal struggle (and no my children, you cannot have demonstrations as the internal struggle kids!). Now, the artists Kuku Niihana, has taken my song and the copyrighted pictures of  John Arthur Liebenberg , and added video clips from Rhodesia army and Sam Nujoma and placed it on television. Nee man, our artists must learn to be original, or ask permission when stealing!

Future Namibia - First edition

Future Namibia
The following was received from a member of the public I hereby wish to lodge a formal complaint against Reliance Motors cc for poor after sales service delivered to us. I also want to put forward a serious vote of no confidence in this dealer. Reliance Motors cc is not as trustworthy as their name implies, maybe their cars but definitely not their service. The truth is that they are very reluctant to deliver good after sales service. We had a mechanical breakdown with our car on the 3rd of November 2010 and took it to them on the 4th of November for repairs. The staff of Reliance Motors is simply not concerned about time, the inconvenience and humiliation we suffered throughout this ordeal. Client service is not a priority for them. They did not even have the decency to inform us once about their progress. We were the ones to phone and enquire on daily basis and even offer our help to speed up things, but to no avail. They simply have no sense of urgency to get the work done or ...

The argument for rent control in Namibia

The Namibian newspaper has requested that the Namibia Consumer Protection Group to express themselves on the escalating rental prices being charged in the country. The price increase in rentals of property have increased drastically and people cannot afford these prices as their salaries have not increased accordingly. What is Rent Control? Rent control refers to laws or regulations that set price controls on the renting of residential housing. It functions as a price ceiling. Rent control exists in approximately 40 countries around the world. Generally the laws dictate the frequency and degree of rent increases and are limited to less than the rate of inflation. Arguments for rent control First, on the economic front, such a law gives the tenant the ability to insist on certain improvements being done a minimum standard, without allowing the landlord to retaliate with higher rental fees. Secondly, the social dynamics of rent control, or to use the correct term, rent stabil...

I am a Citizen Informaticist

I have found an all encompassing title for my purpose in life. I am a citizen informaticist. This is the belief that the best way to improve the lives of citizens is to improve the flow of information. This includes: * information about government services; and  * information about the citizen and their specific needs My vision is that citizens throughout the world will share information to ensure ethical leadership.  In this regard, I define ethics as being the code of values that guide a person's choices and actions — the choices and actions that determine the purpose and the course of their life. The vision being clear, I can better understand my mission: “Develop the tools and systems to assist the management of countries (government, civil society and private sector) in providing access to services and technologies to allow maximum quality of life to all who live there.” Once the vision and mission are clear, I have to develop SMART objectives tha...