
Showing posts from January, 2009

Starting 2009 with a plan

The year 2008 ended on a fairly low note as I realised I needed (through necessity) to find a new employment or direction for my life. A friend of mine with a guest farm in the remote farming district of Otjimbingwe invited me to visit him and his family for a few days starting on the 2nd of January. WOW! Getting away from it all has never been so exhilarating. We get up in the morning and go jogging up the Kudu Trail and have a magnificent view for miles around. Jog back down and then it is time for breakfast. The best part is we get to chat along the way and discuss various business ideas. In fact, some of them are so good we are still working at them ten years later ;-). This year he suggested I write a book. Not any book - mind you, but a book on my thoughts for the economic development of Namibia. Scary to say the least. Well, I have never been one to sit too long on an idea so started writing to see if I could. Within two days we have thrashed out the framework for the book and n...