Sunday, 13 January 2013

A New Year’s Resolution for 2013

At the start of every calendar year, we take the opportunity to look at the past year and decide which things we wish to change. We then call these promises we make to ourselves “resolutions” because we promise to stop doing a negative habit in the future. For 2013, I want you to not only think of your bad habits you want to change, but also add a new “good habit”.

For the year ahead, promise yourself to “Mind Your Own Business”.

On the one side, this advice means that you should not poke your nose into the affairs of others or to put it better, “If it is not your business, do not make it your burden”. The second meaning is for you to look after your money affairs wisely – as if YOU are your own business. It is this second meaning that I wish you to take to heart this year.

Many of us are very hard working and conscientious towards our employee and make doubly sure that we look after the “boss’s money”. It is this same attitude we need to have towards our own money. Start with a simple exercise. Make up a table of four columns with the headings Month, Income, Spending and Saved. Now write down how much you earned every month of 2012, with the amounts you earned, spent and saved. If you are anything like me, you probably have very little in the last column. That is why we need to change our habits for the year ahead. We want to put some away for our holidays at the end of the year, and more importantly so we can have a January 2014 with some money in our pockets.

If you have good financial discipline, you should be able to save around 10% of your monthly salary and in this way be able to save the equivalent of at least a month’s salary by the end of the year. In other words you will be able to give yourself a thirteenth cheque.

If you struggle to save and not touch the money that is left in your account, consider opening a unit trust account through a financial advisor. The benefits are that the money can be directly debited off your account every month, you can increase the amounts quite easily and it takes around 2 working days to get your money after you inform the institution you wish to sell your unit trusts. Keep in mind, though you are able to get this investment amount out easily, it is suggested you use unit trusts as a medium- to long-term investment strategy for the best results.

With a small start (and less risk of failure because of small steps at a time), you can soon be seeing an improvement in your bank balance and in your mental health because of less worries.

Mind Your Business Online
As the New Year started, the newspapers have been reporting an increase in cyber-crime.
As we become more involved with online and mobile banking remember the following advice to ensure your personal business is protected:
·         Never reply to emails with personal information. No matter how good the email looks, no bank or financial service provider will use email to check your details.
·         Never click a link in an email to go to your banking web site.
·         Use a unique (and different) password on every site.
·         Use 2-factor authentication whenever possible. For example a pin code device in addition to your site password.
·         Be careful what you write online. You never know when a possible job interview can turn out bad because of what you wrote on Facebook or elsewhere.
·         Password protect your devices such as your cellular phone and computer.

I wish all the readers of the Namibian a prosperous, healthy and wealthy 2013. May we all work together in making our country more consumer friendly for the benefit of its residents and all its visitors.

Confusing pricing and its remedy

Recently I received letters from to consumer regarding their experiences with pricing of items.
“I wished to buy some material and was looking at various options in the Chinese shops in the area. I noticed a sign for material that was normally marked for N$ 29.00 was on special at N 19.00. As the pattern as agreeable to me, I proceeded to buy around 10 metres. When I came to the till, the shopkeeper rang up the purchase at the price of N$ 29.00 rather than the advertised discount price. I immediately brought his attention to this fact and insisted he ring up the total at the advertised lower price. I was shocked when the shopkeeper started shouting at me, and even physically assaulted me while chasing me from the shop. During the scuffle, I received a push and landed quite hard on the sidewalk. I reported the incident to the Police but they were only interested in the physical assault and could do nothing about the pricing difference between what was advertised and what was being charged. I am a pensioner and would like to know, as a consumer, what rights do I have regarding this issue?”

“While doing some shopping at one of the larger wholesalers in Windhoek I noticed a certain brand of mussels was showing a very good price on the labelling attached to the shelf. I double checked that the bar code of the product and the price label were the same and proceeded to take 6 cans of the mussels. I had lots of other shopping to do and filled the trolley by the time I had to pay. By chance I happened to look at the register while the shop assistant was scanning the cans of mussels and realised the price was almost double than that indicated on the shelf. I immediately objected and insisted she call a supervisor when she told me that it was a computer problem and she was not responsible. The supervisor was very helpful and went with me to examine the pricing on the shelf. When the pricing on the shelf was checked against the cans she realised that it was “an old price” still being displayed. Nevertheless, she assisted in checking through the mussels at the advertised price and had the price corrected on the price thereafter. How many times do this kind of thing happen because how can we remember the price on each product when we make our choices?”
In the case of the consumer who is a pensioner, very little can be done about the difference between product pricing and what is being charged at the counter – at present. The proposed Consumer Protection Act would address what is in effect misleading advertising, but more importantly, the law will prescribe certain deterrents such as fines and even possibly imprisonment of sellers intentionally misleading the public. My advice is to pursue the criminal charge of assault as too many of our business owners treat their customers without respect.

In regards to the consumer purchasing mussels; they have found a business that really believes in a healthy consumer relationship. The business you mentioned has not only got a policy of refunding you if the product is overcharged, but they also have a very responsive customer helpline which you can contact – even while you are in the store and having a problem. That is the kind of business e should all support by spending our money there.

After all, as a consumer the true power you have is in the colour of your money. Buy where you receive good service and deny your money to shopkeepers who treat you badly.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the staff and readers of the Namibian for the opportunity given to me to write my small contribution to making this country a better, happier place for us all. May you and your loved ones have a blessed Christmas, and may we continue in 2013 in improving our personal lives with better consumer protection awareness.

E-Governance needs to be prioritised

What is e-commerce?

Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, is the buying and selling of product or service over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. Electronic commerce draws on such technologies as electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems.

For the consumer, e-commerce manes greater access to products, the ability to compare prices between products and services and save money on the cost of physically visiting the place of business.
The topic of e-commerce and its impact on countries such as Namibia have been researched since the late 1990s and found that the greatest impact on whether a country (and its entrepreneurs and consumers) will benefit is largely dependent on the attitude of government and its legislature. In short the following are identified as the government policies which have a detrimental effect on the creation of e-commerce Namibia. They include:
•          The insistence of government to hold onto and protect the state owned telephone network and in actual fact not allowing competition as all three cellular providers are actually owned by one government owned Mother Company (Namibia Post and Telecom Holdings). This results in inferior and high communications costs making e-commerce activities unnecessarily costly and uncompetitive.
•          The lack of government strategy or support to develop world class enterprises. A poor business, even if connected to the web and e-commerce enabled, will not succeed in a competitive world. Companies in Namibia are generally ignorant of international opportunities, the needs of those markets and how to service them properly.  To a large extent the Investment Centre and other government institutions focus on FDI (foreign direct investment) and not in assisting local enterprises expand to international markets.
•          The governments should be doing more to help enterprises identify international opportunities and take advantage of them.
•          Government insistence in maintaining ownership and management of logistics networks such as ports and airports resulting in inefficient, costly and unreliable services, which are incompatible with an e-commerce environment. 
•          Bureaucratic export and import procedures result in lengthy customs clearance times which nullify the benefits of speed in transactions offered by e-commerce. This affects service levels and increases the cost of business operations.
•          Restrictions on imports and exports such as permits and licences, and the time taken to obtain these permits, place barriers in the way of fast efficient e-commerce activities.
•          Namibia has exchange controls that provide a barrier for transacting in a foreign currency on the Internet.
•          Lack of an e-commerce friendly legal framework to provide recourse for companies. Current laws do not accommodate electronic contracts and signatures. Our country does not have legislation that deals with e-commerce concerns including enforceability of the validity of electronic contracts, digital signatures.
•          Lack of progress in setting government institutions to accept declarations electronically. This forces e-commerce enabled companies to produce paper and undermines the concept of paperless trading.

To have e-commerce, a country needs rich computer infrastructure, a functioning telecommunications network, and cheap access to the Internet. Its citizens need to be reasonably computer literate, possess both a consumerist mentality and a modicum of trust between the players in the economy - and hold credit cards.

E-Government is needed as well

For the consumer, e-commerce should also extend to government services as well. This is known as e-government and the Office of the Prime Minister has been responsible for establishing this as an integrated ministerial function at all levels, especially to our rural citizens.

The type of services should include:
·         Receiving notifications of the readiness of documents such as birth certificates, passports etc. through SMS or email
·         Payment allowed through electronic financial transactions (EFT) – including payments in regional and local level such as school fees, water and electricity accounts

If Namibia is to achieve goals such as Vision 2030, we must ensure consumers are part of this project and are the beneficiaries of political, economic, social and technological advances in the modern world.

Transport plans long overdue for Namibia

It was recently reported in the newspaper that the City of Windhoek is modernising the urban transport plan. This is long overdue and I hope that it will be done as speedily as possible, and in consultation with consumers. In this article I wish to look at the broader concept of transport in the country, and propose certain areas which local authorities, and transport institutions should look at when developing their plans to the benefit of consumers.


Namibia has a predominantly public taxi system compared to a private (radio taxi) system. This means that in most towns a consumer can take a taxi with other customers and be dropped at any destination they request.

The biggest problem in local taxis seems to be the lack of indications potential customers can give to indicate where they wish to go. A customer can stand anywhere and hope to get a taxi to take any point they wish. In fact, I often see customers standing on the wrong side of the road to the direction they wish to go in. This causes unnecessary problems with multiple stopping taxis and irate other road users.

I would like to suggest the Namibia Bus and Taxi Association come up with a “finger guide” within towns to indicate where they wish to be dropped off. For example in Windhoek, a thumb raised means City Centre, a hand on the head would mean UNAM and a raised fist could mean Avis.

In addition, I would like to suggest we as customers also take responsibility of where we wish to be picked up and dropped off. If we do not think carefully about the road hazard we create, the local authorities and law enforcement will be forced to write a fine for customers we indicate they wish to picked up or dropped at dangerous places

On a personal point of notice: I notice that the residents of Park Foods in Khomasdal do not have a taxi rank within their area. A taxi rank is stationed at the entrance to the area (situated in front of a property owned by the Khomas Regional Council), but no further stops within their area. This should be expanded by NABTA.

In terms of long haul taxis, NABTA must become a consumer oriented service organisation. The executive must be aware of the unruly behaviour exhibited by some taxi owners at their loading areas, as well as their “bag of tricks” used on unsuspecting customers.

Public Bus Transport

I would like to see a public transport bus company in Namibia that covers all the major towns and tourist destinations. There must be a middle ground between the public transport taxis and the scheduled shuttles that will provide affordable, safe transport for locals and tourists alike.

(While I am dreaming, I would like to see a inner city train service in Windhoek. Imagine getting onto a train at UNAM, getting off at Bahnhof for a coffee or dentists appointment and then continuing on to a friend’s house in Avis?)

But back to bus services.

The city of Windhoek is becoming a busy place and many of the cars on the road are carrying only one or two people. The public bus service exists but has not updated from an Apartheid service which provides low cost transport to domestic workers and labourers travelling from the low cost townships to the CBD and high cost suburbs in the mornings and back again in the evenings. It needs to be modernised to provide affordable and reliable transport between all areas of the city. Most modern city authorities provide this through published time tables and even goes so far as to create dedicated bus lanes. Why not Windhoek?

Once again on a personal note, I wonder why there is no bus service through Khomasdal. The bus stops are clearly marked on the streets throughout the township, but I have yet to see a municipal bus stop at any one of these bus stops.

Wishful thinking

Lastly, I would also like to see a proposal for public train and air transport service that delivers commuters cheaply and safely between towns. Or will this only happen in 2030?