Wednesday 14 August 2024

Working at Investment Promotion Service (IPS) in Paris 1993-1995

 In 1994, I was offered the job as the Namibian Delegate to the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation’s Investment Promotion Service in Paris, France. The Delegate of each country represented is responsible for: 

  • investment promotion campaigns;
  • project development;
  • preparation of feasibility studies;
  • management of programme budgets; and
  • joint-venture project development.
During this period, I had an opportunity to study and learn about the investment strategies of amongst others, Mauritius, China, India, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Algeria, Madagascar, Vietnam and Chile. Most of my colleagues were highly educated economists and were attached by their governments from planning or trade and industry ministries. Their experience and willingness to share were invaluable to me coming from a newly liberated country, and me personally having no qualifications in this field! They encouraged me to study Namibia's history and specifically the business strategies of the previous administrations. It was during this period, that I had an opportunity to meet many of the business leaders from the Namibian fishing, agriculture and mining sectors and benefit from their knowledge and experience.

The most important lesson I learnt was that Namibia is competing in the international arena and we would not be given special treatment for very long.

Meeting Michael Jackson

 I bought my first M-net decoder in 1992 when my first born Mikaila was about a year old. The live broadcast was a Michael Jackson show from Romania.

The aerial was not quite right so we would lose the signal and her mother would say, "Michael, Michael" while snapping her fingers until the picture would focus.
Mikaila started copying her and whenever she wanted to watch tv (naturally a Michael Jackson movie) she would try and snap her fingers and say something that sounded like ""Michael, Michael".
As Daddy's do - I promised to take her to meet Michael Jacskon.
A few years later I was the MD for Hazy Investments and part of the World Economic Forum held in Windhoek. As the first Secretary of the EPZ Committee and knowing Barden International, I was part of the inviting committee - for Michael Jackson.
The best part was that he would not attend unless he got the Presidential Suite - and guess who had booked that for his own guest - ME.
So I convinced my boss to change rooms and we had unparalleled access to the Michael Jackson entourage.
When asked where they can have dinner - I suggested our family favourite, 'Oportuga" owned by family friends. 
Daddy kept his promise.

First Posted: May 1998

Friday 9 August 2024

Privacy Laws: Who Really Benefits?

Privacy laws are supposed to protect our personal information, but in reality, they often end up helping the rich more than the poor. This is especially true in countries like Namibia, where these laws can unintentionally create barriers that make it harder for poorer people to access opportunities for growth and development.

Privacy in Namibia

In Namibia, the Constitution protects your physical privacy, but protecting your personal data, like your name or address, needs specific laws. These include the Data Protection Act, Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations, and the Freedom of Access to Information Act. While these laws are important, they mostly benefit people who already have access to the internet and digital services. For those who are less fortunate, these laws can actually make life harder.

Information Access and Development

Being able to access information is key to development. Public places like libraries and telecentres provide access to information and technology for communities that don’t have it. But strict privacy laws can limit these centres’ ability to collect data that could help them improve their services. For example, if these centres could gather more detailed information about the people who use them, they could tailor their services to better meet community needs. However, privacy regulations often prevent this, making it harder to improve these services.

The Rich vs. The Poor

For wealthy people, privacy laws act as a shield, keeping their personal and business information safe. They have the money to protect their privacy, often using legal methods that the poor can’t afford. This creates an imbalance where the rich can live in a secure environment, while the poor remain vulnerable and are often excluded from services that require personal information.

The Costs of Privacy Laws

Setting up and enforcing privacy laws requires a lot of resources, which can be tough for developing countries like Namibia. For the poor, who might not even have basic access to technology, these laws don’t offer much benefit. Instead, they often add extra costs and complications that make it even harder for disadvantaged people to access services and opportunities.

Financial Barriers

Access to financial services is crucial for lifting people out of poverty. Credit bureaux, which collect and share credit information, are essential for helping people get loans. However, privacy laws can make it harder to set up these systems. In Namibia, many people who have never used banking services aren’t recorded in credit databases. This makes it difficult for banks to assess risk, leading to higher fees and interest rates for the poor, which keeps them stuck in poverty.

Finding a Balance

To make sure privacy laws don’t hurt development, it’s important to find a balance. Laws should protect people’s rights without blocking the benefits that come from using data. Namibia could create flexible privacy laws that allow responsible use of data in public services and financial systems, ensuring that everyone, not just the wealthy, can benefit from these protections.


Privacy laws are important for protecting personal information, but they must be designed in a way that doesn’t limit development opportunities for the poor. In Namibia, striking this balance is crucial. By making sure privacy laws are inclusive and don’t create additional barriers for the disadvantaged, the country can create an environment where both development and privacy are prioritized, benefiting everyone.

Friday 2 August 2024

Milton Louw's stance on abortion

 Milton Louw's writings do not extensively cover the topic of abortion, but given his emphasis on social justice, national development, and sustainable growth, a campaign stance on abortion would likely focus on balanced, compassionate approaches that respect individual rights and promote public health.

A possible approach for the campaign could be:

1. Healthcare Access and Education:

   - Enhance comprehensive sexual education programs to reduce unwanted pregnancies.

   - Improve access to healthcare services, including contraception and family planning resources.

2. Support Systems:

   - Strengthen support for pregnant women, including prenatal care, financial assistance, and counseling services.

   - Provide robust support for adoption services as an alternative to abortion.

3. Legal Framework:

   - Engage in national dialogue to discuss the current legal status of abortion, considering public opinion and ethical perspectives.

   - Ensure that any legislative changes are made transparently and democratically, prioritizing women's health and safety.

4. Public Health Perspective:

   - Emphasize the importance of safe and legal abortion services to protect women's health.

   - Combat unsafe abortion practices through stringent regulations and public awareness campaigns.

This balanced approach aligns with Milton Louw's vision for a progressive and inclusive Namibia, focusing on education, healthcare, and social support to address the complexities of the abortion issue.

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Law Society of Namibia - Demand to desist from "unlawful acquisition and dissemination of private and confidential information"

For the regular readers of my blog you will recall my post Law Society of Namibia leaks members details - June 2023.  

The Law Society of Namibia sent me a letter of demand to desist from unlawful acquisition and dissemination of private and confidential information of or relating to members of the Law Society of Namibia.

First let us look at the events that brought about this demand: